We make it easy for local and international employers to benefit from hiring bright, motivated, and skilled UBC Faculty of Forestry Co-op students.  From assistance with job descriptions to arranging interviews and work visas, we make the recruitment and hiring process simple for you.

1. Post the job

Submit your job description to a Co-op Coordinator. Student resumes and cover letters are submitted to a Co-op Coordinator and then forwarded to the employer at the close of the competition. Job descriptions should be as thorough as possible – we have attached a template for this purpose

2. Select & interview students

The employer short-lists candidates and the Co-op Coordinator arranges interviews with students according to the employer’s instructions. Interviews are held on campus, at your location, via Skype, or by telephone.

3. Make an offer

Employment offers can be made through the Co-op Coordinator or directly contacting the successful candidate. Once a job offer has been accepted, a formal Letter of Offer from you is sent to the Co-op Office or directly to the student. The letter should include the following details:

  • Start and end dates
  • Hours of work
  • Salary and any applicable benefits
  • Supervisor’s name
  • Location of work and where to report on the first day
  • Summary of duties/responsibilities

Contact us today to get started