The program requires that 4 courses be taken, each taking 2 weeks of study time. The program will take about 60 hours to complete.

Each course in this program will require approximately 15 hours of learner’s time. 

  1. Forest Carbon Accounting (October 17-28, 2022)
    • Module 1: Forest Extent & The Carbon Cycle
    • Module 2: Carbon Budget & Accounting
  2. Data: Sources & Analysis (October 31-November 11, 2022)
    • Module 1: Data Types and Sources
    • Module 2: Modelling and Analysis
  3. Forest Carbon Projects (November 21-December 2, 2022)
    • Module 1: Context & Structure
    • Module 2: Case Studies
  4. Carbon Markets & Looking Forward (December 5-16, 2022)
    • Module 1: Carbon Markets
    • Module 2: Next Steps: Challenges & Resources

Each course includes a mixture of theory and applied examples, including case studies.

Students can choose to take individual courses and receive a course completion certificate. Those who complete the required 4 courses successfully will receive the program certificate. 

Timeline to Completion

FCM participants have the flexibility to set their own timeline for completion, within a maximum of two years.


Basic knowledge of ecology and natural resource-based management.

Course Descriptions

Forest Carbon Accounting

To effectively establish and implement carbon projects and tap into relevant markets, one must first understand how carbon is measured and monitored. This course starts by exploring the global distribution and dynamics of forested ecosystems – where forests are and how this has changed over time. This sets the stage for examining the global carbon cycle – including the key role that forests play. The course culminates in dissecting how carbon is measured and tracked over time.

The primary learning outcome is understanding the role that forests play in the global carbon cycle and how this is accounted for at different spatial and temporal scales.

Data: Sources & Analysis

Building on a foundational understanding of forest carbon accounting, this course examines the different types of data associated with forest carbon assessments and where it comes from.  These include using satellite imagery to map and monitor forest extents, the role of field measurements in carbon estimates, and using socioeconomic data to understand how and why people use forests.  The course then goes on to explore common practices for using these data sets to quantify carbon stocks and model future emissions under different scenarios.

The primary learning outcome is understanding where data related to forest carbon comes from and how it can be used to quantify, monitor, and model carbon stocks and emissions.

Forest Carbon Projects

While there are many differences between the various types of forest carbon projects, at their core are overlapping concepts and principles.  This course serves to overview the range of different project types, where they overlap, and how they differ.  The course focuses on detailing the structure of forest carbon projects – including complexities surrounding policies, governance, and ownership – and when different types are applicable.  The course will take a close look at several relevant case studies, including examples from BC, other parts of Canada, and the international context.

The primary learning outcomes include understanding the range of different forest carbon projects, how they compare, and which types are relevant to particular areas of interest.

Carbon Markets & Looking Forward

In the world of forest carbon, there exists a range of different regulating bodies, rules, and regulations associated with markets.  This course focuses on examining and detailing these differences.  The course will use both the domestic and international context to describe both compliant and voluntary markets and how this is an ever-evolving landscape.

The primary learning outcomes include an understanding of the current state of both domestic and internationally applicable markets, changes on the horizon, and key resources to stay informed.