Students will need to complete 126 credits to graduate from the Urban Forestry Program. The courses will include the following components:

Core Courses (30 courses; 90-93 credits)

The core competences and skills will be delivered through the shared course requirements to give students the breadth of learning to integrate disciplines from the social, economic, and ecological fields.

Minors (6 courses; 18 credits)

Students can choose between two minors in the Urban Forestry Program at the end of the 2nd year, enabling depth to be developed within certain specializations.

  • Minor in Urban Green-Space Management

This Minor is suitable for students interested in the management and care of urban forests & green spaces, based on scientific and economic principles with a natural science emphasis. Students learn about silviculture, tree and forest measurement, wildlife ecology and management, and sustainability of complex ecological systems adapting to climate change. Students also gain an understanding of forest and conservation economics and strategies for business innovation. Graduates with this Minor might develop careers in municipal and community forestry, park management, arboriculture, conservation, urban forest consultancy, policy, and governance.

  • Minor in Landscape and Recreation Planning

Students can take this Minor if they are interested in planning and design for integrating people and natural systems at various scales. Students learn principles and practice for design thinking, site analysis, landscape planning, sustainable design, and gain practical knowledge of tree and shrub identification and planting design. Courses also focus on social sciences, such as aesthetics, environmental perceptions, and community engagement. Graduates with this Minor may be oriented to careers in recreation and park planning, landscape architecture, urban planning, green infrastructure systems, sustainable urban development, and public involvement.

Students may also choose not to select a minor, but to “mix & match” by selecting 6 courses from both minors pools.

Electives (5 courses; 15-18 credits)

Students will complete five or six 3-credit elective courses: three elective courses in the first two years chosen the courses from a prescribed pool; one free elective course in Year 1 if students have completed Grade 12 Biology; and two electives for Year 3 or 4.