If you love the outdoors and are excited by the challenge of planning and managing our forest lands…

If you love the outdoors and are excited by the challenge of planning and managing our forest lands, taking into account multiple resource users, then the Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSF), Forest Resources Management major may be for you.
Students learn how to integrate the use of a wide variety of natural resources, including range, recreation, timber, water, and wildlife. They study the basic sciences upon which forest resources management is based, and through a choice of electives, emphasize biological, economic, social, or quantitative aspects. An international specialization is also possible to focus on forest management in another part of the world. Upon graduation students from this program can apply to become Registered Professional Foresters.

Managing a renewable natural resource is not rocket science. It’s more complex than that. In a broad sense, forest management is providing proper care to a forest so that it remains healthy and vigorous, and can sustain all of our needs. It is a process that integrates all of the science, principles, practices, and techniques necessary to provide this proper care.

In BC, we ensure that our forests are well managed through an established set of laws. These laws include the licensing of Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs). As stewards of the forest, these professionals are charged with regenerating and tending the forest throughout its life, to ensure that it is healthy and growing. RPFs are responsible for managing forest fire issues, insect and disease considerations, as well as directly improving wood quality through fertilization, pruning (to reduce knots), spacing, and stand thinning (to decrease competition for sunlight and food). These same professionals, who are in charge of growing and tending our forests, also oversee the responsible removal of the trees, with as little disturbance to the environment as possible.

Another large part of their job is dealing with people, helping to create an agreement between various groups that want to use forested lands in different ways. A forest manager must take into account all the values in a forest. Within these multiple values, they must manage and oversee the removal of trees in the harvesting phase and the replanting of the trees in the regeneration phase. Foresters work with trees from the collection of seeds, through the planting of new seedlings, to the final stages of mature forest development.

Dual Degree Option

Earn a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources Management and a Master of Management in 4.5 years with the Forestry Dual Degree program.