Faculty profile headshot photo of Trevor Jones

Trevor Jones

Coordinator: MGEM Program

Forest Sciences Centre 2214
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T1Z4

work phone: 604-827-1985

My research employs remotely sensed data and field measurements to map and describe the distribution, composition, structure and dynamics of forests in Canada (SW coastal British Columbia), Madagascar (Ambaro/Ambanja Bays, Mahajamba Bay, Maintirano, Tsiribihina-Manombolo Delta, Velondriake, Ambondrolava), Myanmar (entire coast), Nicaragua (targeted ecosystem types), the Philippines (Mindoro Island, Sierra Madre region), the UAE (Abu Dhabi, all northern Emirates) and the USA (all of Massachusetts, New York State Adirondack mountains). In Canada and the USA, these efforts support the management of forested ecosystems and enhanced further research possibilities within National and Provincial/State Park systems. In Nicaragua, ongoing work supports the development of Farm-Trace which automates deforestation assessment for small-holder farmers.  Ongoing work in Madagascar, Myanmar and the Philippines involves estimating total carbon stocks and investigating the natural and anthropogenic causes of forest loss.  In Madagascar and Myanmar, results support applied conservation initiatives through Blue Ventures’ Blue Forests Project, which aims to secure and sustain long-term livelihoods, safeguard biodiversity and mitigate climate change through mangrove conservation, restoration and managed-use.  In the Philippines, results support forest carbon projects, including within the ancestral domain of the Mangyan.

At Portland State University (Portland, Oregon) I taught Old Growth Forest Ecology and Management.

At UBC, I have taught Geospatial Data Analysis (GEM530), Geoinformatics Seminar Series (GEM580) and Project Proposal Development & Proof of Concept (GEM599). I have also co-taught Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Management (FRST443/GEM520), the citizen science module in Landscape Ecology & Management (GEM500) and the remote sensing module in Land Information Acquisition & Analysis (FRST556).  I have guest lectured in Foundations of Conservation (CONS200) and Forests & Society (FRST516).  

In 2017, I taught remote sensing at two of our partner Universities in China – Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Nanjing Forestry University. 

In 2017, I helped design and led a workshop on Using R for Remote Sensing Data & Applications as part of the Biodiversity Research Centre Integrative Training & Education Workshop series.

I have helped develop curriculum for the Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) focusing on Locating, quantifying, and contextualizing dynamics in Madagascar’s mangroves.  

Outside the formal University setting, I’ve helped organize and lead geospatial and forest science training for colleagues, students, interns and volunteers, and members of numerous communities.


The Blue Forests Project


Working to secure and sustain long-term livelihoods, safeguard biodiversity and mitigate climate change through mangrove conservation, restoration and managed-use.


Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS) Best PhD Thesis 2011
Clark University: Graduation cum laude with High Honours 2005

Selected Publications

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