Suborna Ahmed
Forest Sciences Centre 2214
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
work phone: 604–827–2059
Research Areas:
My research interest includes:
- Quantitative analysis of complex forestry datasets in various areas: tree improvement, tree plantation, experimental trials, permanent sample plots (PSPs), fertilization trials etc.
- Application of machine learning approaches
- Methods for forecasting growth and yield
- Modelling and forecasting improved genetics
- Quantifying quality control tool based on machine learning approaches
- Meta-modelling and meta-analysis of tree mortality, damaging agents (rust), tree growth and yield, tree fertilization
Spruce-Up: Advanced spruce genomics for productive and resilient forests.
Current June, 2018 – August, 2020
Best poster award, 3rd prize, UBC, Faculty of Forestry 2015Brenda Hanson Memorial Scholarship, UBC, Faculty of Forestry 2015Mary and David Macaree Fellowship, UBC, Faculty of Forestry 2013Strategic Network Enhancement Initiative (SNEI) 2012Donald S McPhee Fellowship, UBC, Faculty of Forestry 2013Vandusen Graduate Fellowship in Forestry, UBC 2010Graduate Student Travel Award 2011
Selected Publications
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