Faculty profile headshot photo of Stephen Sheppard

Stephen Sheppard

Director, Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning
Program Director, Bachelor of Urban Forestry

Forest Sciences Centre 2045
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

work phone: 604-822-6582

My researched is focused on:
Climate change planning, outreach, and community engagement; visioning methods and visualization of climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation/adaptation; low-carbon future scenarios visualized in the CIRS’ BC Hydro Decision Theatre; community energy planning, renewables, and energy literacy; public perceptions, aesthetics and sustainability; social aspects of forestry.


Future visioning of local climate change scenarios with integrated geomatics/visualization systems. (2009-12) PI: Stephen R.J. Sheppard. (Yr 3 2011-12 $169,724)

Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE)

Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)


Peter Wall Distinguished Scholars In Residence (2009-10) 2009
Wildlife Habitat Canada Forest Stewardship Award (presented to CANFOR and scientists at UBC Faculty of Forestry for collaborative efforts to develop and implement a Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Framework in BC 2004
ASLA Merit Award 1984
ASLA Honor Award 1983
Spotlight Teaching Award (Sustainability Initiative, UBC, 2010-11) 2011
ICLEI Europe Book fo the Month Award for 2012Institute for Social Sustainability Research Fellow (University of Plymouth, UK, 2011-14)
University Sustainability Initiative Research Fellow (University of BC, 2011-13)

Selected Publications

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