Peter Marshall
Director, Asian Strategies
Forest Sciences Centre 2022
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Research Areas:
I am interested in quantifying and forecasting stand and forest dynamics, particularly with respect to uneven-aged and/or mixed species (complex) stands. I also have a long-running interest in designing sampling approaches for various natural resources applications. In the last few years, much of my sampling design work has focused on efficient methods of quantifying downed dead woody material (coarse woody debris). I have been active professionally throughout most of my university career. My professional work has taken place essentially on two fronts: (1) service to the province, via membership on several technical committees and individual or university-based contracts, and (2) service to the forestry profession through my membership on the governing council of the Association of B.C. Professional Foresters, Board of Examiners of the Association of B.C. Professional Foresters, as the B.C. representative on the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board, membership on the Forest Science and Technology Board of the Canadian Institute of Forestry, and work with two U.S./Canadian growth and yield co-operatives. I am particularly interested in forestry curriculum development and accreditation.
Validation of CrosBas/PipeQual (ForValueNet)
Dynamics of Interior Douglas-fir stands following pre-commercial thinning
Canadian Forestry Achievement Award 2005
Selected Publications
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