Faculty profile headshot photo of John Richardson

John Richardson


Forest Sciences Centre 3002
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

work phone: 604-822-6586

We are interested in the ecological processes that limit populations and contribute to the assembly of communities, and how land use impacts those processes.  We use experimental manipulations of small streams and their riparian areas as our study system, and we have manipulated inputs, species composition, abiotic factors, physical structure, etc., to test hypotheses about these processes and how they contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem function.

Areas of research include:

  • Stream ecology
  • Riparian ecosystems
  • Community and population ecology
  • Benthic invertebrates, amphibians, fish
  • Detrital-based food webs and donor-controlled systems
  • Restoration ecology


Ecology and management of riparian-stream ecosystems

A large-scale experiment using alternative streamside management techniques

Influence of reserve strip width on riparian and stream ecosystems: Amphibian communities

Ecology of tailed frogs and the effects of forest practicesStream benthos responses to riparian management

Resource limitation in streams and the role of organic matter

Fish communities as ecosystem indicators for a changing system: The lower Fraser River

Selected Publications

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